Let me set the scenario for you:
- You walk into the kitchen and see crumbs all over the floor.
- You start to sweep the floor, find a bath toy under the table and decide to put that bath toy away.
- You get to the bathroom and see your towels that you'd piled up to take to the laundry, you decide to finish that job.
- When you get to the laundry room, you remember that you need to take out some meat for supper. You take out the meat and head back upstairs.
- You walk into the kitchen to defrost the meat and see that your floor is still full of crumbs and you can't imagine how you can possibly be working all day long and still get no work done.
This isn't a one time thing. This happens to me
all the time. Whether it's putting things away, preparing supper or even taking a shower (I once lost my bath towels. Mr Delusional found them on the kitchen counter next to my coffee cup) I lose track of what I'm doing and why I'm doing it.
I started thinking about this as I ran downstairs to get a hand towel (which were sitting in the laundry basket unwashed because I forgot to put them in the machine after remembering to take the meat out for supper) - and I had this whole post written up in my mind.
I came and sat down at my computer all ready to write it up and then....couldn't remember what it was I came to the computer for. Was I searching for a recipe? Was I needing to check my email? Why was I sitting here??
True Story peeps.